mandag 29. september 2008

Play Your Game

Interested in poker online?

Many people live in days of playing online poker. For others, the only pastime and entertainment. Are you new or pro? You'll find information, tips and rules.

Some pages of poker tips and rules

Play Online Poker
Play Online Poker

25 poker tips

Follow these tips and you are instantly a much better poker player.

1. Be sure you can all the rules of the game. Look!

2. Do not be stressed if you lose, no matter you only play for money you can afford to lose.

3. TREN! Remember that you can play for free in most poker rooms. Training makes a champion.

4. Follow with players around the table, and avoid unnecessary bluffer.

5. Most beginners start playing too many hands. A good and experienced player usually plays only 20 to 30% of their starting hands. Concentrate you of the good starting hands and to minimize the element of luck in poker.

6. Play as much as possible. Experience has much to say.

7. Remember that ok cards have less value with many players around the table.

8. Understanding the importance of your position at the table. Eg. if you sit at the dealer button, you can observe all the other betting before it is your turn.

9. Throw a questionable hand in the beginning than the middle of the game.

10. Treat each round as a new round and forget the money you've already entered.

11. When you have a foolproof hand so please wait before you invest.

12. Do not try to beat other players, let them try to beat you.

13. Call opponent / players when you think you have a hand that is good enough to take the pot, not only because you think they bluffer.

14. Do not try to bluff a bad player, a big winner or one that has lost much. When should you be aware of what you do.

15. You must expect to lose the pot as long as you do not think you have the best hand on the table.

16. By as much as you can when you have a really good hand, let the other players pay to see you.

17. Vary your playing style. A player with the same playing style will be a light switch for smart poker players.

18. Try to hold poker face. Do not show so many emotions when the game is decided.

19. Do not trust anyone poker players. Think of the cards and the opportunities you have. Now play poker and only it!

20. Use a good and serious poker rooms. You can find the best selection little further down in the book.

21. When you have garbage in your hand. then you should not wait, but to fold! Most beginners take too much risk.

22. Read books and take notes. You can always learn something, you're never finished out learned in poker.

23. When you have lost many hands in a row, so it is important not to get panic. This is something all players must be through, and there are times when many want to leave the table. One player who will earn the lost money or an excited player is a poker player at his worst.

24. Games against inferior players to win money. You have to play at betting limits where you can beat most players. Go to the lower limit if you have trouble winning.

25. When you play poker, then give the game everything you have or get out (all or nothing).

Play Online Poker
Play Online Poker

Full Tilt Poker is one of the world's largest poker room and one of the world's best poker rooms. It's easy and learn. A lot of people and you'll be able to play with money and without money on this page.

Play Online Poker
Play Online Poker

click on the image / link and will get to the poker site

Texas Hold'em - rules and tips

Texas Hold'em is that of the fastest and most exciting poker games, and also the most popular. There may be up to ten players in each hand, more than in most other poker games, and it usually played with the lower Bid Limit in poker rooms.

How to play Texas Hold'em:
1. Blinds are posted by the two players to the left of the dealer. The deal symbolized with a button with a "D" which is on the table in front of the player. The dealer button moves CW around the table.
2. Each player receives two cards on hand. These cards are exclusive for the player and the other players can not see them.
3. The first investment round of player to the left of the big blind.
4. Three community cards ( "flop") is placed in the middle of the table. These cards are common to all players and will be combined with the cards you have at hand.
5. Other investment round of player to the left of the dealer.
6. A fourth community card ( "turn") is placed in the middle of the table.
7. Third round begins commitment of player to the left of the dealer.

8. A final common card ( "river") is placed in the middle of the table.
9. The latest investment round starts with the player to the left of the dealer.
10. Display ( "Showdown") - The player with the best poker hand wins the pot. Each player combines the best five-card hand using the five community cards and the two cards he / she has on hand. If more players have the hands, parts of the pot ( "split-pot").

Poker Hands

Play Online Poker
Play Online Poker

This is the ranking of hands in poker. This you must know! You can print out this list so you are absolutely sure of the order.

Royal Flush ROYAL FLUSH Straight Flush STRAIGHT FLUSH Fire like LIKE FIRE Fullt hus FULL HOUSE Flush FLUSH Straight STRAIGHT Tre like THREE LIKE To par TO PAR Et par PAR Høye kort MAXIMUM

1 kommentar:

Rakeback Poker sa...

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